Neck Purse
Description: Cool Creations' neck purse the small Snoepie, closes with a piece of Velcro and hangs around the neck with a piece of cord. This cute little neck purse can for example be hidden under the shirt or dress of a little child. It’s out of sight and still with in easy reach. A name embroidered on it, personalizes the pouch. 1 Free embroidery design per item is included.
Design decorative options
Product code: T6 Snoepie
Design code: KH1-Kombuis (c)
Beskrywing: Cool Creations se klein Snoepie is 'n nekbeursie wat bo toemaak met 'n stukkie Velcro en met 'n koordjie gerieflik om die nekkie hang, kan ook onder die hempie of rokkie van die kleinding gaan. Dus buite sig en steeds gerieflik naby. Met 'n naam op word die beursietjie pasgemaak na die kind of persoon se smaak. 1 Gratis borduurontwerp per item is ingesluit.
Ontwerpe en versierings-opsies
Produkkode: T6 Snoepie
Ontwerpkode: KH1-Kombuis (c)